Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekend Warrior: Take a Quick Photo Road Trip

Have you ever thought about taking a Saturday (or Sunday) off from chores, errands and other weekend commitments to spend a day following your photographic passion? With spring knocking on the door, it’s time to seize the opportunity to get out and explore your locales. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or a far-flung destination; even the neighboring town can be a grand adventure.

Here’s a quick guide to help you plan your weekend getaway.

The Photo Day Tripper’s Checklist:
  • Write down the names of a few towns that are only 30 minutes to a couple hours away from where you live. Decide which one holds the most interest.
  • After choosing a town, do an online search for interesting facts about the town-- a city park, an iconic building, an upcoming festival or unique wildlife.
  • Choose a date for the safari--it can even be this weekend! Just make sure to clear your calendar--and don’t accept new appointments. You can, however, invite another shutterbug to travel with you!
  • Prepare all your gear including charging your camera batteries, format memory cards (and pack extras), include a lens cleaning kit (here are a few items to consider: http://www.richmondcamera.com/Camera-Care-s/7.htm) and tripod in your camera bag. Also bring your external flash and extra lenses if you have them. And don’t forget your charging cable (or dock) and your camera’s manual!
  • Pack extra water bottles and snacks in your car in case you end up staying in one location longer than you expected. You don’t want low-blood sugar to distract you or pull you away from your location too soon.
We often talk about wanting to spend time experimenting with our craft but we also realize that everyday life can get in the way of even the best intentions. An impromptu photo getaway can give you the mental space and some uninterrupted time to explore a new location and experiment with your unique viewpoint.

Pick a place, pick a date, grab your gear and hit the road!

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